We are delighted to share the following update from Ronel Dreyer of Nickel Bros regarding the move itinerary for the heritage home at 2367 Marine Drive in West Vancouver. Nickel Bros recently sought to find a buyer willing to move the house from its current location to save it from demolition. Thanks to the efforts of many in a very short time frame the house has been saved and will be barged to Malcolm Island next month. Although North Shore Heritage always prefers a home remains in place, we support relocation in order to preserve the house for others to see and for environmental reasons.
Good morning family and friends of Queen Marine
Nickel Bros has worked tirelessly to prepare this stately ol’ lady for the most magnificent journey of her life!
First, thank you to everyone who has become involved in saving this home, starting with the developer who has given her to be repurposed, North Shore Heritage Society and West Vancouver authorities at different levels, Parks Board and others. A special thanks to Jennifer Clay and Nora Gambioli for your passion and help in this project!
A third-generation Finnish-Canadian family has bought both the Queen and another 1925 (embattled but now saved) sister-to-the-queen heritage home out of Larch Street, Vancouver.
This Malcolm Island family is the perfect match for both these homes which were now saved in the nick of time! On Malcolm there is no wait for a building permit, and a direct barge sealed this successful relocation. This family also possess the heavy equipment resources to build or alter roads, assist at the barge site and whatever other obstacles may arise at the destination.
However sad for West Vancouver to lose this beauty, she will soon be a greatly valued asset to her new family on Malcolm Island!
Projected Journey at West Vancouver:
1. Monday November 2, 11:59pm: rolling off site at 2367 Marine Dr.
2. Tuesday November 3, Marine Dr to 14st to entrance of Ambleside Park
3. Tuesday November 3, 5am she will be staged in waiting…..
4. Tuesday November 3, 2-5pm …. to meet her sister house from Larch St, and join her on the barge to Malcolm Island.
Thank you to the amazing crews at Nickel Brothers who make the near-impossible possible!
Feel free to share with those you know care about environmental and historic stewardship! Enjoy the journey!
Bon Voyage!
Update: For more information about the move and photos of the event, visit the North Shore News website.
The home at 2367 Marine Drive, built in 1925, is to be moved to Malcolm Island.