MEMBERSHIP — North Shore Heritage Preservation Society

Join North Shore Heritage and help protect heritage and distinctive buildings in North and West Vancouver.

In addition to our advocacy work, we organize a variety of events and workshops in support of local heritage.

To renew your membership, please see below for membership fee amount.

Payment options include:

  1. Credit Card - use the pull-down menu below for membership choice and the ‘ Add to Cart’ links below (please put your name, phone number and mailing address in the comments)

  2. E-transfer - you can e-transfer your payment to: (please put your name, phone number and mailing address in the comments). No security password is necessary.

  3. Cheque - If you prefer to send a cheque (payable to North Shore Heritage Preservation Society), simply download this form*, then mail the completed form and a cheque to: North Shore Heritage, 2695 Nelson Avenue, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 2R9

Membership dues support education and awareness of North Shore heritage.

Membership Options
New Member or Renewal
Full Name


Membership Fees (one year):

Individual: $20

Family: $30

Senior/Student: $15

Life: $200


B.C. Society Registration: S-49292, Charity: 83070 2478 RR0001