Proposal for Navvy Jack Nature Centre — North Shore Heritage Preservation Society

Proposal for Navvy Jack Nature Centre

The District of West Vancouver would like your feedback on a proposal to honour a significant heritage asset by transforming it into a nature centre.

The house located at 1768 Argyle Avenue, known as Navvy Jack House, was built circa 1873 by Welshman John Thomas, aka Navvy Jack Thomas. In addition to its heritage significance for West Vancouver, the building has the distinction of being the oldest known continuously occupied residence in the Lower Mainland.

Please visit the District’s project page to learn more about the house and the proposal, and to take a survey to share your input. The deadline for the survey is Monday, September 30, 2019 at 4:00pm.

You can also read more about the history of Navvy Jack House in this blog post by local author Eve Lazarus.

View of Navvy Jack House, located on the Ambleside waterfront, West Vancouver.

View of Navvy Jack House, located on the Ambleside waterfront, West Vancouver.